Rating System

I do the basic 1-5 star system. I'm not a believer of 2-3 star ratings being bad since something objectively will still be good but just not for me.

  • ★★★★★ - Loved it and probably heavily obsessed over this. I'll probably never shut up about this. Reserved for the best of the best.
  • ★★★★ - Enjoyed it! It was just missing that one thing to make it truly memorable  but still recommend this to everyone.
  • ★★★ - It was good!
  • ★★ - It was ok. There are parts that I liked and the good parts outweigh the bad. I'd only recommend this for fans/existing fans of a game/author who might like it more than me.
  • ★ - Not for me. I had several issues with this and the bad severely outweigh the good. I would not recommend this or it just was something that did not interest me.
  • DNF - It was not for me. It was riddle with errors, bugs, or just offensive that I couldn't bring myself to finish it.